Why did a Maine cop lie about dropping off missing person Erik Foote at a hospital? - DMT NEWS

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Why did a Maine cop lie about dropping off missing person Erik Foote at a hospital?

Washburn Police Sgt. Chandler Cole resigned and was charged with forgery, tampering with and falsifying public records after falsely reporting that they dropped a missing person off at hospital. The search now continues: Cole apparently picked up missing Erik Foote after someone saw him, but dropped him off at a convenience store, then falsified his report and told Foote's parents that he had taken him to the hospital.

An investigation concluded Cole altered his report to reflect a hospital drop-off. But there is no hospital record to support the claim. Foote has yet to be located in a case that has riveted the community of 1,500 people, which has organized another search party to look for him this weekend. The Aroostook County Sheriff's Office is now handling the investigation. The town is in the process of deciding whether to keep a police department.

A rural Maine town with 4 reported crimes a year doesn't need a police department, even if like something from a Steven King novel. Just give the city manager a truncheon or something. Good luck, Erik.

Previously: Cop arrested on felony warrant has uniform cut off with scissors



via https://www.DMT.NEWS

Rob Beschizza, Khareem Sudlow