While Trump Lies About ‘Great Reviews’ for Pandemic Response, His Admin Projects 3,000 Deaths per Day - DMT NEWS

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While Trump Lies About ‘Great Reviews’ for Pandemic Response, His Admin Projects 3,000 Deaths per Day

While Trump Lies About ‘Great Reviews’ for Pandemic Response, His Admin Projects 3,000 Deaths per Day


As President Trump was tweeting about getting nowhere-to-be-found “great reviews” on “how well” he is “handling the pandemic,” his administration is projecting a steep rise in coronavirus cases that will reach 3,000 deaths per day by June 1.

According to the New York Times, modeling by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is privately projecting a steep increase of new COVID-19 deaths. The report says a near doubling of current 1,750 daily deaths is now expected.

The internal document obtained by the Times includes a chart that “forecasts about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases now.” At the same time, the president is either encouraging local governments or staying silent as a slew of states begin to open up their economies.

On Monday, the same day of the Times’ grim report, Trump tweeted, “Getting great reviews, finally, for how well we are handling the pandemic, especially our strong production of desperately needed ventilators, the building of field hospitals & beds, and soon, the great things we are doing on testing. People are really working well together!”

But Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, cautions: “The only thing that’s been holding this virus in check is our ability to stay away from each other. Now that we’re getting back together, there is a certainty that there will be more viral spread,” he told NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell while speaking about the new report.

The Times goes on to say that the new projections confirm public health experts’ fears that reopening the economy will set the country back to where it was in mid-March — when many of the nation’s health facilities were on the brink of system overload.

via https://www.DMT.NEWS/

Peter Wade, Khareem Sudlow, DMTDaily