Michael Jordan Trashes ‘A**hole’ Isiah Thomas, Horace Grant Calls The 90′ Detroit Pistons ‘Straight-Up B*tches” For Not Shaking Hands After Playoff Loss - DMT NEWS

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Michael Jordan Trashes ‘A**hole’ Isiah Thomas, Horace Grant Calls The 90′ Detroit Pistons ‘Straight-Up B*tches” For Not Shaking Hands After Playoff Loss


There’s no love lost between the 90s Bulls and Pistons team.

During Sunday’s episode 4 of ESPN’s “The Last Dance” documentary, the subject of the Pistons walking off the court and not shaking the Bulls players’ hands after losing in the playoffs came up.

Former Bulls forward Horace Grant was asked what he thought about the Pistons handshake snub and he called them “straight-up bitches” in the doc.

Isiah Thomas tried to explain that it wasn’t customary for players in the 80s/90s to shake hands after games.

Jordan wasn’t trying to hear Thomas’ “bullshit” explanation and blasted his former rival.


via https://DMT.NEWS

Jorge Alonso, DMT.NEWS