Americans Are Absolutely Terrified of Trump - DMT NEWS

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Americans Are Absolutely Terrified of Trump

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Over the weekend, two Democratic representatives shared stories of their constituents telling them they are straight up terrified of President Donald Trump and his policies.

On CNN’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered Saturday, Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) told the host that a young child, a third-generation American, told her they are scared that their family will be taken in the middle of the night. “A child grabbed my legs and said, ‘Mrs. Dingell, Mrs. Dingell, I am worried that someone’s going to come to our house in the middle of the night, drag my family out, and no one’s ever going to see us again.'”

Dingell added that she spoke with the superintendent of the school district who said the child’s comments are not uncommon. This is what America’s kids are worrying about. “Debbie,” the superintendent told her, “you need to understand that’s what our kids are talking about.”

These children’s fears are not unfounded. In addition to detaining thousands of undocumented immigrants, ICE has also been taking American citizens into custody. It’s such a concern, some Americans have been carrying their passports with them at all times. One US-born Marine veteran was arrested by ICE despite having his American passport with him at the time.

Then, Sunday on ABC’s This Week, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) said that many of his constituents have told him they are “scared” of Trump. When host George Stephanopoulos asked Cummings whether he was worried about the direction of American politics after the president’s racist comments, Cummings said most Americans do not support what Trump has been saying.

“No matter where I go, what I’m hearing over and over again is—from my constituents is please save our democracy, please save our country,” he said.

He added, “And you know something else they say, George? They say, ‘I’m scared.’ And I have not—I’ve never in my total of 37 years in public service ever heard a constituent say that they were scared of their leader.”

“Scared of their leader? Scared of the president of the United States?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“Of the president of the United States, that’s exactly right,” Cummings replied.

Stephanopoulos then asked if Cummings believed Trump is racist. Cummings responded in the affirmative, saying unequivocally, ” I believe he is—yes, no doubt about it. And  I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I got to tell you, George, when I think about what he said to these young ladies who are merely trying to bring excellence to government and trying to make sure that generations yet unborn have an opportunity to experience a true democracy, when I hear those things it takes me back, like I said. And I can still remember bleeding from my forehead when people were throwing bottles—and these were adults, throwing bottles and saying go home, nigger.”

America is reliving and reviving the darkest moments of our history. And it’s not just Americans who are terrified. It’s the world. As a 2019 Pew poll revealed, a growing number of people around the world see America as a major threat.


via https://www.DMT.NEWS

Peter Wade, Khareem Sudlow